Here are some dates to put on your calendar. we need all the help we can get. and I promise to keep it fun.
– Saturday 10/17 – 9:00 – 4:00 Work Party
– Saturday 10/17 – 5:00 – 9:00 Annual meeting, election of officers, and potluck dinner party – earlier this year so we can social distance outside.
– Sunday 11/1 – 9:00 – 4:00 Work Party
– Saturday 11/14 Hillmaster taring – earlier this year so we can social distance outside.
Sunday 12/13 Hillmaster taring – second offering of the same training – earlier this year so we can social distance outside.
The first work party will focus on brush and limb cutting and general hill prep.
We will be putting another date on the calendar to get tractors and other dirt hauling machines on the hill.
Tractors, 4 wheelers and other equipment is welcome at every work part.
Give me a call or text if you like.