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11 Articles

Fall 2024 Work Party and Annual Meeting

President Vince and the Board have announced some upcoming important dates:

Saturday, October 20th – starting 9am — WORK PARTY — long pants, boots, gloves all strongly recommended — check for WhatsApp alerts from Luke and the team — many hands make light(er) work!


Sunday, November 17th – starting 6pm — ANNUAL MEETING — thanks to Pete for hosting again at Wolf Hollow Brewing Company!    Potluck dinner event — hear whats going on, prep for upcoming season, and elect officers for coming year

Fall 2021 Work Parties – msg from President Frank

Work party dates:

– Sunday 10/17,  9:00 am – 4:00 PM

– Saturday 11/13, 9:00 am – 4:00 PM

We will be cutting brush, doing some carpentry, moving rocks, cleaning up the buildings, hanging snow fences, and much more.  Bring your chain saws, hedge trimmers, weed whackers, 4 wheelers, skidsteers, and other implements of destruction.  Lunch will be provided.  We will have us a good old time.  Members and prospective members are welcome.  Remember that everyone is responsible for their own safety so stay within your skill and safety zone.

Hillmaster Dates!!!

Per President Frank (reminder to all)…

  • Saturday 11/14 Hillmaster taring  – earlier this year so we can social distance outside
  • Sunday 12/13 Hillmaster taring  – second offering of the same training – earlier this year so we can social distance outside

2020 Fall Update from President Frank

Here are some dates to put on your calendar.  we need all the help we can get.  and I promise to keep it fun.


– Saturday 10/17 – 9:00 – 4:00 Work Party


– Saturday 10/17 – 5:00 – 9:00 Annual meeting, election of officers, and potluck dinner party – earlier this year so we can social distance outside.


– Sunday 11/1  –  9:00 – 4:00 Work Party


– Saturday 11/14 Hillmaster taring  – earlier this year so we can social distance outside.


Sunday 12/13 Hillmaster taring  – second offering of the same training – earlier this year so we can social distance outside.


The first work party will focus on brush and limb cutting and general hill prep.


We will be putting another date on the calendar to get tractors and other dirt hauling machines on the hill.


Tractors, 4 wheelers and other equipment is welcome at every work part.


Give me a call or text if you like.



January Hillmaster Training This Saturday

Announcement from President Frank:

Hi SkiVentures

Happy New Year.

We will be holding our second Hillmaster training this Saturday (January 11, 2020) from 9:00 – 11:00.  That is a rain or shine event.  If you came to the Hillmaster in December there is no need to come to this one – unless of course you loved it so much you want to do it again.

At Hillmaster you sign a sheet saying that you have first aid training adequate for treating ski injuries, and we train you on the operations.  Then you will be authorized to run SV any time you like.  Hope to see you there.


SkiVenture Hillmaster Dates!!!

Here are the dates for Hillmaster for the 2019-2020 season (you only need to go to one per year, but must re-certify each season)

Sunday 12/8,  12:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Saturday 1/11, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Hillmaster training allows you to start SV up whenever you want as long as you have 2 responsible people there.  At Hillmaster training you sign a sheet saying that you have adequate first aid training, and we show you how to run the place.  Hillmasters certification is available for ages 18 and over and members in good standing.  You do not need to be a skier to take Hillmaster training, but if there is snow on the ground bring your gear.

Fall Weather Has Arrived, Snow and Ski Venture Soon!

We have posted the 2019-2020 Membership Application on this www.skiventure.org website.    Returning members have until October 1 to complete and return their membership application to pay the reduced rate for the Sustained Membership.

Watch for dates as President Frank will be announcing Work Parties and our Annual Meeting!    Watch the SV Twitter Feed for those dates…

Mark your calendars as well for Friday, November 15, 2019 as we will have a large contingent of Ski Venture members (and friends) attending the Warren Miller Movie at the Palace Theater in Albany.   David Hennel has agreed to coordinate group ticket sales for our members — you can buy your tickets from David at the Ski Venture annual meeting at the end of October!

Possible Hillmaster Training – January 12

After a big turnout last week by members that wanted to learn more about the rope tow operation and become certified as “Hillmasters”, President Frank is offering a potential second training session.

Anyone interested in becoming a Hillmaster, day / time proposed is Saturday, January 12 from 9am to 12 noon.   You will need to RSVP to President Frank if you are interested.

For those that attended last week – this is another session of the same instructions (you do NOT need to attend again)

Hillmaster Training Date is Set !!!!

Happy New Year to our Ski Venture members!    Be sure you have your membership applications (and dues) paid ASAP as we’re now reviewing the waiting list and will be notifying new families of any openings.   If you’re a new family or wish to be added to the Waiting List for membership – please read application carefully as you will need a referral from 2 current member families!

Tremendous progress with work on upgrades to the upper lift / rope tow are nearing completion!   If you have driven by lately in the afternoon / evening you may have seen the lights on!

Our own GG (groomer guy) is itching to fire up the machine and start grooming – just need some snow now that we’re nearly ready!

For members that wish to be trained and become Hillmasters — President Frank has announced that starting (promptly) at 1:00pm this Sunday (January 6, 2019) he will host the first Hillmaster training session of the year.  Much has changed with regards to starting the upper lift — and members need to be recertified each year to retain (or obtain) their Hillmaster status.    Remember as well to be current on your First Aid training (another requirement for Hillmasters).

Please plan to carpool for Hillmaster training — although Fletch and our many volunteers continue to work on parking areas – we expect a large turnout for Hillmaster training in anticipation of a great ski season and our parking is limited.

Hillmaster Training — Sunday, January 6th at 1pm…

Fall 2018 Work Parties and Annual Meeting

Hi Skiventureers,  I am so proud to say that more work has been accomplished on the hill this off season than has in decades.  We still have a lot to do and we need everyone.  We have work parties scheduled for Sunday 9/23 and Saturday 10/13.  Both start at 9:00.  On 10/13 we will have our annual club meeting and potluck dinner beginning at 5:00.  Come run for office. 


For these work parties, if you have 4 wheelers or tractors, bobcats or other such equipment come flex it.  Please also bring chain saws, brush cutters, work gloves, boots, carpentry tools.  The days are getting shorter.  Let’s go have some fun.